Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, and the Beginning of Advent
Saturday, January, 7, 2017 | 8:16 PM | by jcrewe
Pastor’s Greeting,
Sisters and Brothers of Lakewood First: Grace and Peace to you, through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is much to anticipate, celebrate, and be thankful for during the month of November.
Lakewood First will celebrate Consecration (Stewardship) Sunday on October 30. The guest speaker for the occasion is Rev. Greg Batson, President/CEO of the California-Pacific United Methodist Foundation. We look forward to everyone’s participation as we consecrate our gifts in gratitude for what God has been doing in our lives. The Service will be followed by Fellowship Hour with a celebration luncheon to mark the event.
On November 13, we celebrate our Veterans: Those who have given so much of themselves for our freedom. On November 20, we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the Chris tian year.
Disciple Fast Track Bible Study will pause for three weeks (October 12, 19 and 26,) to allow for participation in our Stewardship Bible Study. We resume Disciple Fast Track on Wednesday, November 2, at 6:30 PM, in the Library.
All Saints Sunday will be celebrated on November 6, when we remember all those who went to be with the Lord since All Saints Sunday last year. The District Superintendent, Rev. Mark Nakagawa, will preach.
Charge Conference 2016 will also be held on this same Sunday, November 6, following Worship. Charge Conference is a wonderful opportunity to take part in important decisions about church life, and to get to know our District Superintendent. There will be a Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) meeting before Charge Conference. Please make every effort to attend the Conference.
The 605 Mission Community Thanksgiving Service will be held on Thanksgiving Eve, November 23, at the Artesia-Cerritos UMC, at 7:00PM. Fellowship Hour will follow and each church in the 605 Community is asked to bring two or three dessert items. Please contact our Church office for further information.
Sunday, November 27, marks the first Sunday of Advent, when we begin the celebration of the Season of preparation for the coming of our Lord.
As we look forward to Thanksgiving on November 24, let us keep in mind that Thanksgiving is not confined to a day or limited to a season. We pray that it reflects a way of life that is truly thankful, for the blessings God has bestowed on us.
Paul wrote to the Corinthian church: “I give thanks to my God always for you, because of the grace of God which has been given you in Christ Jesus. For in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind . . . so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1Corinthians 1: 4-7). Paul’s inspiring letter is still instructive to us today.
We thank God for providing for us, and for ministering to our needs. We have a God who is generous in all seasons, giving us gifts that we do not expect, and reaching out to us with grace.
Essie joins me in wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
Grace and peace,